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New Relics' application performance monitoring (APM) provides a unified monitoring service for all your apps and microservices. Monitor everything from the hundreds of dependencies of a modern stack down to simple web-transaction times and throughput of an app. Keep track your app's health in real-time by monitoring your metrics, events, logs, and transactions (MELT) through pre-built and custom dashboards.

Our APM service provides the flexability to monitor the exact things you need from your app by automatically instrumenting your code when you install one of our agents.

  • Is your early-access software still slightly unstable? Proactively monitor and solve those errors before they affect your users with errors inbox.
  • What if your users always comment on how speedy your webapp is and you want to quantify that feedback? Measure their satisfaction by monitoring your Apdex in a glance.
  • Need somewhere to store your logs? Our agents automatically ingest them.
  • What if your modern stack has dozens or even hundreds of dependencies to keep track of? Easily track them with automap and external services.

Want to save time with a single unified monitoring solution? Click a logo to get started with APM. It takes just a few minutes!

Go agent
Java agent
.NET agent
Node.js agent
PHP agent
Python agent
Ruby agent


How it all works

New Relic instruments your application at a code level through the use of one of our many language agents. These agents gather metrics from your application and send them to New Relic APM so you can monitor your app through pre-built dashboards.


Get started with APM in just a few short steps:

  1. New Relicアカウントにサインアップします。
  2. Install the language agent for your app:

Now all you need to do is generate some traffic to your applicaton and log into your account. You should start seeing data flow in within a few minutes!


How to use your data

Monitor the basic health of your app the second New Relic receives data from your app. You will see basic dashboards on the APM Summary page in the New Relic UI which you can use to quickly understand how your app is performning without any customization.

エクスプローラーを使用すると、アプリも含めたソフトウェアの全スタックにアクセスして観察したり、パフォーマンスデータとアラートステータスを一目で確認して関係を把握できます。シンプルで強力なビジュアルツールにより、すべてのエンティティ、つまり、データをレポートする識別可能な任意の対象を監視できます。New Relicエコシステムでは、エンティティは、アプリケーション、ホスト、コンテナ、データベースサービスなどの基本コンポーネントを含みますが、こうした要素のカスタムグループを表す場合もあります。エンティティは独自に作成することもできます。

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