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Errors inbox email notifications

Errors inbox uses email notifications to let you know when you've been assigned to an error group.

Email notifications

When an error group is assigned to your user account, New Relic sends an email with that error group's details.

Email notifications are triggered when:

  • An error group is assigned and unassigned to a user.
  • An error group state (unresolved, resolved, ignored) is changed, the user assigned to the error group is notified.

Email notifications are currently sent to members of your team. If there's a new member you want to include, be sure to invite them to the team.

Unsubscribe from email notifications

If you don't want errors inbox email notifications, you can unsubscribe at any time. Each email notification you receive includes an unsubscribe option.

Click the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email notification.

Resubscribe to email notifications

If you've unsubscribed to email notifications and decide you need to resubscribe, find one your old errors inbox email notifications and click the *Unsubscribe preferences** link.

The email notification titles start with "[Errors Inbox]".

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