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Infrastructure agent configuration settings

The infrastructure agent has a large set of configuration settings to fine-tune its behavior. Here we:

  • List all the configuration options (in both their YAML and the environment variable names).
  • Explain what the settings do and when to use them.
  • Give the variable type and default value (if any).
  • List the minimum required agent version as applicable.

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Get started

You'll be able to configure our infrastructure agent to suit your environnment after you create a New Relic account (it's free, forever) and install the infrastructure agent.

The license_key is the only required setting.

For an example of how all these variables can be used, see our sample configuration template in GitHub.

Agent variables

Cloud variables

If the agent is running in a cloud instance, the agent will try to detect the cloud type and fetch basic metadata. Metrics can also be enriched with extended cloud metadata (including custom resource tags) when connecting the cloud provider account with New Relic.

Docker variables

File system variables

Hostname variables

Installation variables

Integrations variables

Inventory variables

Linux variables

Logging variables

Metrics variables

Plugins variables


You can quickly disable all the variables by setting DisableAllPlugins to true, and turn on only those options you need.

Proxy variables

For infrastructure agent version 1.3.1 or higher, the precedence of the proxy configuration settings is:

  • proxy

If you are having problems with proxy configuration, see Proxy troubleshooting.

Samples variables

Security variables

Windows variables

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