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Activate Azure integrations

New Relic infrastructure integrations allow you to report data from specific systems and supplement infrastructure's default, automatic monitoring. The Microsoft Azure integrations report data from various Azure platform services to your New Relic account. This document explains how to activate Azure integrations.


You can use Terraform to automate the process of enabling cloud integrations. Read how in the Terraform official documentation site.


The Azure integration activation process requires you to:

  • A New Relic account. Don't have one? Sign up for free! No credit card required.
  • Create a New Relic application and key in Azure.
  • Grant this application access to the Azure services you want to monitor.
  • Place required information in the New Relic's Integrations UI.

To use these integration activation instructions directly from the Infrastructure UI, go to one.newrelic.com > Infrastructure > Azure > Add an Azure account.

Step 1: Get Azure subscription and tenant IDs

To get your Azure account's subscription id and tenantId, use your local terminal if you have Azure's tools installed, or use Azure's Cloud Shell terminal in the Azure portal.

  1. Open a terminal with access to your Azure account.

  2. Type the following:

    az account show
  3. Copy and save the subscription id and tenantID from the output response for later use.

The response should look similar to the response below. The subscription id and tenantID are highlighted.

@Azure:~$ az account show
  "environmentName": "AzureCloud",
  "id": "9ffe9512-f4a2-42dd-1230-518aec34be21",
  "isDefault": true,
  "name": "Beyond Team Sandbox",
  "state": "Enabled",
  "tenantId": "ac6692da-1231-422f-22a8-9eed6dbe83f1",
  "user": {
    "name": "youremail@domain",
    "type": "user"

Step 2: Register your app and get ID

You must have Azure permissions to register your application and copy its Application ID.

To register your app in Azure:

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal and go to the Azure Active Directory.
  2. From Manage, select App registrations > New registration.
  3. Enter a name for the application. We recommend that you name your app NewRelic-Integrations.
  4. In Redirect URI select Weband add https://www.newrelic.com as the sign-on URI.
  5. Create the application by clicking Register.
  6. From the Overview of your app, copy the Application (client) ID, and save it for later use.

Step 3: Create a client secret in Azure

To create a client secret associated with your application:

  1. In Azure, under the application you've just created, select Certificates & secrets.
  2. Under Client secrets, click on New client secret and then on Add. Choose the secret expiration date which can be up to 2 years. Once the secret expires, follow the steps to update the application details.
  3. Copy the value of Client Secret and save it for later use.

Step 4: Provide permissions to services

Your app must provide Reader permissions for each Azure service you want New Relic to monitor:

  1. In the Azure Subscriptions section, select the subscriptions that you want New Relic to monitor.
  2. Select Access control (IAM) > Add > Add role assignment.
  3. From the Role dropdown, select Reader.
  4. From the Select dropdown, select the app's name; for example, NewRelic-Integrations.
  5. From Selected members, verify your app name appears, then select Save.

Some Azure services, including Azure CosmosDB and Azure VMs, require additional steps. See the Azure integration documentation for the services you want to enable.

Step 5: Add app to New Relic

Now you can activate the Azure integration in the Infrastructure UI. The UI will require the information you have saved in the previous steps, including:

To add your Azure app to New Relic:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com > Infrastructure > Azure and select the Azure Service you wish to add.
  2. Follow the steps in the UI to activate the integration in New Relic.
  3. If you have already completed the Azure account steps, skip to the end of the steps to fill out the form. (For Azure account name, enter the name you want to use to identify the account in your Integrations dashboard.)

After you activate an Azure integration, we'll start monitoring your Azure data at regular polling intervals. To find and use your data, use the data explorer or go to one.newrelic.com > Infrastructure > Azure.

It may take few minutes until new resources are detected and synthesized as entities. See Cloud integrations system limits for more information.

Update application details and rotate client secrets

It will be required to update the application's authentication credentials using the Infrastructure UI or the Cloud Integrations API once the client secret expires (maximum expiration date available in Azure is 2 years).

Follow these steps to rotate the Azure client secret in the Infratructure UI:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com > Infrastructure > Azure and click on Manage Services on the Azure account you wish to edit.
  2. Select the edit action next to Account Name to see and edit any application value.
  3. Edit the Client Secret field with the new value and confirm with Save Changes.

Uninstall Azure integrations

To uninstall Azure integrations, follow these steps.

If you want to...

Do this

Disable one or more Azure service integrations

To disable services while keeping your Azure account linked to New Relic:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com > Infrastructure > Azure > Manage services.
  2. From your Edit Azure account page, clear the checkbox for each active service you want to disable.
  3. Save your changes.

To disconnect your Azure account completely from New Relic, you need to unlink your Azure account. This requires being either the user who registered the app or an administrator. This procedure will disable all New Relic integrations associated with that Azure account.

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com > Infrastructure > Azure > Manage services.
  2. From your Edit Azure account page, select Unlink this account.
  3. Save your changes.
  4. Sign in to Azure and go into All Services > Identity > App registrations, or go to Azure Active Directory service and select App registrations.
  5. Find the registered app (the recommended name is NewRelic-Integrations). To see the full list of available apps, select the dropdown menu beside the search field and select All apps.
  6. Select the app and, on the panel that opens, select Delete.
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