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Automate Kubernetes observability on your EKS clusters with code

April 27, 2022

Deploy observability faster and easier than ever!

If you are using AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) to build a Shared Services Platform (SSP), you can deploy New Relic's Kubernetes observability integration using our add-on to EKS Blueprints.

Benefits for infrastructure engineers

  • Turnkey deployment that simplifies the standard Helm install.
  • Frictionless upgrades across all clusters as part of a deployment pipeline or via CDK deploy.
  • Analyze and alert on node capacity and utilization metrics.

Benefits for developers

  • Analyze and alert on status and utilization metrics for Kubernetes workloads running in the cluster.
  • Collect Kubernetes events to identify resource constraints, scheduling issues, etc.
  • One-click access to container logs for easier troubleshooting.
  • Combine with New Relic APM for correlation between application, infrastructure, and log data.

How to get started

To learn more, check out the step-by-step instructions or watch a 3-minute demo video.

New Relic add-on for EKS Blueprints code.



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